Blog about Greeley

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Location: Greeley, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Police call residents...

The Greeley police had to call residents and warn them to stay in their house. I would make a joke but I think it may be inappropriate. Just read the article.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Cat Lovers

This is for all of the cat lovers in Greeley. This was e-mailed to me and I wanted to share it.


While going for a jog the another night I had an interesting encounter on the way back. It was late at night so I was actually jogging in the street for a short distance. I saw a figure of someone on the sidewalk in front of me. I decided since I had headphones on to just stay in the street and jog by. I noticed as I passed a large, very hairy Hispanic man. How did I know he was hairy? Well he had his shirt off and has attempting to stumble towards the nearest fence so he could water the grass on the other side. I thought this odd and decided not to stop. As I rounded that block to head back to my apartment I encountered another stranger.

It was a woman crossing the street waving her hands and speaking to me. Me, still having my headphones on was tempted to just continue on. I figured she was probably not a huge threat so I changed my mind and stopped. After I took my headphones off she asked if I had seen so and so (I can't recall the name). I mentioned that just around the corner there was a large man standing around. I left out the particulars off what he might have been doing. Doesn't everyone like a little surprise now and then?

She thanked me and then scurried off in that direction continuing to call out some name. I suspect that was the wife/girlfriend of the drunken Hispanic man just around the corner. Experiences like this, makes me realize while everyone else goes jogging during the daylight hours.

Got wood?

There was a descent amount of lightning in the sky tonight. I decided to take the camera out and try to get a couple of lightning photos. Unfortunately I didn't really get any. However on the walk back I did find something neat. I found a perfectly good piece of wood that is 2"x2"x3'. It was laying in the sidewalk so I assumed that I could grab it. Just look at it

now that is a nice piece of wood!

Also no one gave me trouble on the way back. I guess people know to leave alone a guy who is walking by himself after midnight with a big stick of wood in one had and a camera tripod in the other. Good call!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Crazy Parade People

Just a quick update
Today is Sunday, July 2nd and people are already putting their blankets out, to mark their space for the 4th of July parade. It is 2 days away! It is a dumb parade! Parades are dumb! Anyways, I will probably be out there with the rest of the dumb people on the 4th, provided I don't have to get up too early.
See you there.